Friday, November 08, 2013

ObamaCare Confession Booth

Being a compassionate conservative I have taken pity on all those liberals out there who must feel like FOOLS for supporting ObamaCare especially if their insurance plans have been cancelled and replaced with much higher premiums as happened to that idiot Dylan Ratigan, former MSDNC host. As a way to wash away their incredible feeling of guilt and foolishness for having supported the worst piece of legislation ever, I have suggested the establishment of ObamaCare Confession Booths as you can see in this VIDEO. It is recommended that the liberal supplicants demonstrate their sincerity by wearing DUnce caps while directing their confession to a well-known conservative such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, etc. and then post the videos of their confessions on YouTube. Do you know liberals who feel like complete idiots for supporting ObamaCare? Then direct them to this video so they might find a way to lift the heavy burden weighing down on their souls.

I also direct you to this other video I have made with my pundit cap on, anticipating a possible uprising tomorrow: Will There Be An Uprising Against the Chavistas In Venezuela On November 9?

Finally, the strange case of my Junior High School Spanish teacher who actually moved to Cuba to become a Fidelista and then found herself in jail: PJ's Spanish Teacher Jailed In Cuba Due To Her Own Stupidity

Oh, and please don't panic. The regular DUFUs will resume soon. Please forgive me for "boring" you with these videos.


Blogger this one said...

I loves me my Michael Moore! Now more than ever!

2:54 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Will There Be An Uprising Against the Chavistas In Venezuela On November 9?" PJinc

Nope. Wrong again. What a surprise!

Now...after watching your video, I found myself confused by the "liberal confession" segment of "Why there will be an uprising in Venezuela".

Why? Because you say "I wouldn't profess to say that liberals should confess to prominent conservatives like..." and you go on to list a number of prominent conservatives. Then you say that if you live in south Florida, the perfect people for liberals to confess to are Steve Kane and Brian've listened to them for a long time.

Steve and Brian are, I'm sure, thrilled about the shout-out and the throngs of YouTubes coming their way from shamed liberals.

Tell you what, PJinc, when you apologize for every Republican administration since Ford increasing the deficit...the Iraq/Afghanistan debacle...the financial collapse of 2008...and every pre-Obama instance your and my insurance company raised its rates (the same companies that continue to fuck with you)...then I'll apologize for a shitty government website.


2:13 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

I left out Watergate. That too.

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I found myself confused"-troglaman

All the rest of us here find you confused also. See, we're not so far apart.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"See, we're not so far apart." troglanon


And we both think each other's crazy too. Confused and crazy...a bipartisan agreement about each other.

You might be on to something, troglanon. At least it's a beginning.

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...


Nice try, diminishing Obama's fuck ups by bring up everyone else's fuck up---it's an old rhetorical device and it doesn't work. Obama's "works" stand or fall on their on their own---and they're falling hard.

2:10 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Nice try, diminishing Obama's fuck ups by bring up everyone else's fuck up---it's an old rhetorical device and it doesn't work." elrond

Nice try yourself, elrond. I'm not bringing up "everyone else's" fuck-ups, I'm bringing up yours. I'm pretty specific.

It's the equivalency factor. Do you honestly think a shitty government website holds the same weight as starting a two-front war? Or an economic collapse?

The answer is no.

I'm not trying to diminish anything. The Obamacare launch sucks ass. But if you think ill-prepared websites compare to the magnificent cluster-fucks your ilk have inflicted on this country, you're nuts.

Simple as that.

12:59 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...


You're still doing it, Bush's fuck ups (and there were many) have nothing to do with Obama's fuck ups nor do they
excuse them, mitigate them or minimize them.

Medical care is 1/6th of the U.S. economy, Obama and his merry pranksters seem intent on wrecking it or transforming it into Somalia Care.

But that's not all, he's added $5 trillion to the national debt, made a hash of our foreign policy, misspent the $1 trillion recovery package, put 47 million people on food stamps, maintained a 7%+ unemployment rate for five years...and we're still in Afghanistan, his surge didn't work, 2/3 od all the G.I.s who died there died during Obama's watch.

Too, every word Obama speaks is a lie, including "and" and "the".

I'm tired Troggy, I really am, I fear for my children and (especially) my grand children.

6:54 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

'You're still doing it, Bush's fuck ups (and there were many) have nothing to do with Obama's fuck ups nor do they excuse them, mitigate them or minimize them." elrond

Each have their own fuck-ups. Of course they do. I'm not trying to excuse Obama's. I'm also not the one who's throwing around false equivalencies.

And if your suggesting that the economy collapsing mere months BEFORE Obama took office didn't set his agenda, then you're crazy. How long do you think it takes to dig out of a problem like that, elrond? He did it, btw. He turned it around. That's beyond dispute.

It's a shitty website, elrond. Not the end of the world.

1:55 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

A shitty website indeed, makes me wonder why I came back.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous The JUDGE said...

Troglatwit said....

"And if your suggesting that the economy collapsing mere months BEFORE Obama took office didn't set his agenda, then you're crazy. How long do you think it takes to dig out of a problem like that, elrond? He did it, btw. He turned it around. That's beyond dispute."

You are absolutely insane you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard. He didn't dig out of the problem, he deliberately dug the hole twice as deep. Turned things around? In what fucking universe beside your private world? Only a maniac like you, you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard, could consider putting a record number of people on food stamps and driving a record number of people out of the job market, not to mention wreaking the economy and wiping the best health care system on the planet as "turning things around". You're a completely insane maniac you worthless son of a worthless fucking bastard.

6:06 PM  

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